A lot has happened in the week since I last wrote here–and not really much has happened.
I discovered that I’ve lost back the four pounds I gained over Thanksgiving holiday (and then some!), so I’m back on track with the keto diet.
I started on yet another writing project, this time outside the Abnormalverse (and with the potential to create a new universe all its own, if I decide to expand it).
I had a horribly embarrassing experience at work that I won’t even go into here, and it made me want to just curl up and die somewhere.
I revamped the cover for Whispers of Death, and I’m in the process of revising the interior text so it’s fresher.
I had to go to online traffic school for a speeding violation (don’t speed, kids!).
It’s been some good, some bad, some very bad, but I’m making it. I’m not quite sure how I’m making it, but I am.
I’m exhausted. I’m weary beyond words. I can’t wait for next week, when I have three work days off. Of course, I have stuff to do in those three days, but at least I won’t be working.