Some people just don’t have the time to sit down and read. Some people prefer to hear the story read to them in an entertaining manner. Whatever the reason, coming soon-ish (like, early 2021, I’d say), I’ll be starting production on turning my self-published books into audiobooks!
Why so long a wait? Well, for one thing, I have to learn how to edit the stuff I record. LOL But also, I’m going to be taking on extra responsibilities at work for the next two months that will take up a lot of my time (not to mention add to my stress), and I want to give this project the proper time and dedication. I won’t start recording in earnest until Thanksgiving weekend at the earliest, and I’m giving myself at least a month or two to figure out how to edit my oopsies.
Yep, you read that right: I’m going to be doing the narration! If it works out, I might even do a few for my publisher. I’ve already been given the offer to audition for the next two Abnormalverse audiobooks, as well as another title from my publisher.
There will definitely be a learning curve. Thanks to the live readings and video recordings of readings that I’ve been doing lately, I am better at reading my writing out loud. I don’t rush it like I did the first few times I did live readings, and though I still stammer and stutter and occasionally stumble over my words, that can be edited out.
I’m not sure which title I’ll start with. I was thinking of starting with Whispers of Death, as that was my first novel, but who knows? I might do a newer title instead. We’ll see.
I’m excited for this new potential creative outlet, but I’m also nervous about it. Near crippling social anxiety has made me leery of performing in front of people, but since I’ll be locked away in our guest bedroom for these recordings, I think I’ll do okay. I won’t even have to put on makeup!
I’ve got almost two whole months to get ready. To psych myself up.
I can do this!