I got a sewing machine for my birthday yesterday, so that means of course more #cosplay! And what have I chosen for my first creation?
Yep. A #TARDIS dress. I have tons of blue fabric, plus some blue TARDIS print fabric and some black-and-grey Doctor Who fabric. Don’t know if I’m going to use the black-and-grey on the dress yet, but I’m going to start working on designs tonight. I think I’ll go the steampunk route with lots of gathers in the skirt & a bustle. I’ve accomplished something similar before, so I don’t think that part will be a problem, but it’s the top that’s going to be tricky. I’ve never done any sort of top from scratch. I’ll most likely make it sleeveless since I’m so new at the whole sewing thing, but we’ll see.
Go big or go home.