So coronavirus is a thing. It’s a big, scary thing. It’s a thing that is gradually encroaching on more and more aspects of our lives.
Aside from the cancellation of all upcoming SCA events until the end of next month and a noticeable drop in patient load at work, I haven’t been terribly affected…yet. Oh, things are changing, but as of right now, the reality of the changes hasn’t had a chance to set in. My brain has yet to appreciate the gravity of the situation. That being said, I’m aware enough to be cautious when venturing out (only going to work and home, unless supplies are absolutely necessary) and to take note of how other authors are handling the state of the world right now.
Like many others, I made the one book I have pricing control over free for a few days. I’m also trying to share the links for my two freebie reader magnets more widely, and I am going to start sharing the freebie box set more as well. This is a time when entertainment needs are changing; people can’t necessarily go to the same social gatherings that they used to, and books provide no or low-cost entertainment that doesn’t require breaking quarantine.
WHISPERS OF DEATH is still free today. Tomorrow it goes back to its regular price, which I may or may not alter in readers’ favor. I mean, I can change the e-book cost if I want to….I think. I’ll have to check on that when I get home from work.
I don’t yet know what my hours are going to look like for the coming weeks. Months? Who knows. But if I end up with a sharp decline in hours, you can bet I’m going to write my little tail off. Not only to keep myself busy, but also to have more material to release. The more I write, the more I have to share. That’s the way I see it, anyway.
I have a plan in the works for a paranormal romance novella trilogy, which I need to step up the timetable on. That means getting off my ass and sitting down to write it. Lol I also have Book 4 of the ABNORMAL series to start on, as well as editing and polishing Book 3 (which, I’m happy to say, I finished the draft of Sunday). Book 2, ESCAPE THE LIGHT, will have ARCs going out soon, which means the release is within sight! (Okay, so there are still a few steps before the release… but my hope is later this year.)
The virus is disrupting our lives, but I’m going to make every effort to make the best I can out of this disruption, as should everyone.
We can do this. Nothing can keep us down forever unless we let it…