
Here it is again. Another nasty cold. Happy Valentine’s day to me.

I am grateful that I have a caring husband who makes sure I get enough rest, but it really kills the Valentine’s mood.

I feel like Typhoid Mary. I probably spread this virus throughout half of Tucson yesterday despite my efforts to cover my cough and use cough drops to try to prevent said cough. Note that I said “try.”

It’s not really all that bad, I guess. I’m functional. I can make it through the day. I’m not literally dying. There are people worse off than I. But I can still bitch and moan on occasion, right?

I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later. I had gone so long without any real illness (besides the RA), and now three bugs in less than two months. This one isn’t as bad as what I had over Christmas weekend–Good Goddess, that was horrible–but it still sucks.

Time to take better care of myself. I’m planning on starting either a smoothie or juicing diet of sorts to get more nutrients. I really don’t eat very healthy, so maybe some fruits and veggies will help build the old immune system.

For now, though, time for a restful nap between laundry loads.

Just breathe


Work week is done, and I have three and a half days off until it’s back to the grind. Yesterday afternoon and this morning weren’t too bad, so I feel more relaxed already. I know come Monday it will be almost back to “normal” (translation: hectic as all get-out), but I’ve been looking forward to this unwinding weekend.

Not that I don’t have stuff to do. Interviews/reviews for Talk Nerdy With Us, cosplay stuff, art project…It’s not going to be a completely work-free weekend, but it’s still a relief.

I have to finish the pants on my husband’s cosplay (and hopefully start on the tunic), write interview questions, read a comic or two, and draw like my life depended on it. Still, it all sounds pretty relaxing compared to the day job.

Sometimes you gotta take some time to yourself just to get away from the norm and recharge. I love my jobs–all of them–but the constant pace gets to me every so often.

Merry Christmas Eve, everyone!

‘Tis the Season

It’s getting to that time of year again. The official holiday season.

Yes, I know, I’m offending some readers by saying “holiday” instead of “Christmas”…but y’know what? Why can’t we be all-inclusive here? There are several holidays at this time of year: Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice–I’m sure there are some more that I can’t think of at the moment….so I’m going to say holiday season. The season for holidays. There. Y’all all are included.

Though not a Christian, I actually quite enjoy the Christmas season. I love decorating (even though I’m not a fan of red and green–do you know how difficult it is to find Christmas-type decorations that are blue or silver? Most of them are Hanukkah decorations), I love seeing family and friends, and I love getting gifts for people I care about.

Receiving gifts is fun and all, too, but I actually enjoy the practice of giving gifts more…especially when I can see the look on the recipient’s face when they get something they really wanted, or something that makes them happy.

Yeah, this is sappy and cheesy…but it’s how I feel. My husband and I make a list of people we’re buying for every year and take a lot of time to make sure we’re getting things that people will want. It takes more thought than you might think. You can’t just go, “Oh, this person has such-and-such on their list.” You have to plan, you have to know the person, and you have to ask questions if you can’t think of anything right off the bat. That’s the key to enjoying your holiday season.

Don’t have anyone to buy for? That’s okay. Not everyone has a big family or a lot of friends. I myself hardly have any friends in town, and the few I do have I hardly ever see. Do something nice for someone, anyway. Donate to a charity, buy some toys for some tots…do something. Wallowing in self-pity doesn’t just ruin the holiday season for you, it ruins it for everyone who cares about you (and anyone around you).

“No one cares for me,” you say? Wrong. I don’t care you who are, there’s someone who cares about you. You may not know it, but they’re there. So pick your chin up, grab some eggnog, and give out some gifts. You’ll feel better. Unless you’re allergic to eggnog…then skip that part.