A new year approaches: 2020, the year of the double crit, and it’s time to set some goals and make some plans.
My primary, short-term goals are more of a “to-do” list than actual goals. I have things piled up from this year that will need to be taken care of before I can take on new things. Here’s my list of “things that are left over from 2019 that I have to finish before the end of February 2020“:
-Write, edit, polish, submit short story to the anthology I’ve joined
-Complete the two Kingdom scrolls I’ve been assigned to do (SCA project)
-Finish my Valkyrie hood so I can fight in it at Estrella (SCA project)
-Full construction and embroidery on a commissioned Viking hood, hopefully before Estrella (SCA project)
-Full construction and embroidery on a Hedeby bag for my husband (SCA project)
-Embroidery commission for some friends (SCA project)
^^ These are things that have to be done. I have set a firm deadline for them, so I’ve gotta follow through.
Then there are some less-deadliney things. These are more the goals/plans that I’m making for the upcoming year:
-Book 2 revisions/marketing/promotion (after back from beta readers–this will have a deadline because, well, publishing lol)
-Two current novellas-in-progress
-Potentially three more novellas (a trilogy)
-Teach more SCA arts classes
-Learn more SCA/medieval arts
-Get back into rapier fighting (now that I’ve lost enough weight that I feel comfortable fighting again–when I’m off restrictions, that is)
-Recertification for work
-Take better care of my mental health (and start asserting myself in those times where I normally back down and give in)
-Read more books
-Continue to build my social media presence as an author and build my brand
-Do more SCA (and mundane) sewing/embroidery/arts for myself and my husband
-Continue with my keto diet and weight loss, adding exercise as tolerated (once I’m off restrictions from my podiatrist)
-Work more with my co-author on our horror novel to get the first draft of that finished and in the editing process
This is by no means a comprehensive list, because, frankly, I haven’t thought about it that much yet. I’ve got so many things in the first list to get finished that I haven’t activated my “2020 vision.” Lol
But wait! 2020 isn’t just the start of a new year–it’s the start of a new decade. So, then, I’ve got 10 years’ worth of goals to devise. Let’s see what I can come up with here:
-Complete the 5-book ABNORMAL series and start on the ABNORMAL LINEAGE spin-off series
-Continue to take advantage of writing opportunities to participate in box sets/anthologies and grow as an author
-Expand body of written works to include more genres/standalones/etc
-Find an effective way to save money for attending conventions/book signings as an author–and then attend more signings and conventions
-Strive to achieve Laurelhood before 2030 (which is, oddly enough, both within my ability to achieve and totally beyond my control haha)
-Work on overcoming (or at least adapting to) my social anxiety to where I can function better at social events, like conventions or SCA events
-Continue building an author network
-Learn more about generating graphics for book covers, book marketing, and other things
-Maintain the weight I’ve lost, get to a healthy weight, and try to find an exercise plan that works for my lifestyle
-Learn how to pattern more complex clothing (Viking I can do, but that’s too easy–I want to learn the concepts behind patterning that get me from measurements to finished garment without necessarily needing a manufactured pattern)
-Accept my grey hairs wholeheartedly
-Find a better balance between work/home/SCA/writing that encompasses all the things I need to do as well as all the things I want to do as well as omitting the things I don’t want to do lol
-Take more vacations
-Make my health a higher priority, in as much as it comes to calling out when I’m sick and not trying to “soldier on,” taking time off when it’s physically or mentally needed, and recognizing when I’m taking on too many projects for my mind and body to handle
It’s a tall order, but these are my goals for the next two months, the next year, and the next ten years. Note that I’m calling them “goals” instead of “resolutions.” I make the distinction because I’m not “resolving” to change things, but rather setting what I hope are realistic goals that will improve my writing career, further my SCA learning/experience, and keep me mentally sound through it all.
2020 is just another year, but at the same time it’s not. As long as I make an effort to do the things I want to do in the coming year/decade, 2020 is whatever I make of it.