Drink myself awake

Groggy mornings are the norm for me. I wake up, I stumble around as I make coffee or a Soda Stream energy drink, and I take my pills–including Adderall–to try to wake my lazy body up. Some mornings I’m successful…others, not so much.
This morning seems to be a “not so much” morning.
I’ve been up for an hour and a half (on purpose–today’s an early morning at work), but I’m not quite awake yet. I mean, obviously I’m awake because I’m typing this, but I’m not awake-awake. I keep dozing off sitting straight up at the computer. I’ve had my Adderall. I’m halfway through a liter of energy drink. And I’ve been up for a freaking hour and a half!
If it’s not coffee, it’s energy drink. Every day, even off days. If I don’t get my caffeine “fix” on an off day, I’m sleeping away most of the day, even if I’m busy with stuff. My eyes cross, my lids get heavy, and people ask if I’m okay. Yeah, I’m okay…I’m just about to pass the fuck out back into dreamland.
This makes editing and revising difficult, to say the least. I have been staring at the same few sentences for the past hour, trying to figure out what, if anything, needs to be fixed. I can’t even tell at this point.
Speaking of points, I’ve forgotten what one this post had.
Guess I need more caffeine.