So, let’s do a rundown of the projects I currently am in the “in progress” stage of:
1- Super Secret Project #1: A project that I can’t go into just yet, but one that I hope will make the person very happy when they see it. Due before September 7. About 1/4 of the way finished….roughly.
2- Also Secret Project #2: An embroidery project. Also due before September 7. Roughly half finished with the three-part project.
3- Not a Secret Because It’s a Paid Commission: You guessed it! Embroidery. Due in September. Started but need to work more on it.
4- REVISIONS!!!! Due soonest. Can’t focus this morning to save my life.
5- Yet Another Secret Project #3: Not yet begun, but there’s only a self-imposed deadline of October. Maybe. Maybe December.
6- Not as Secret Commission for an Elevation: Due roughly mid September. No clue on size/design yet.
7- Thing that I’m Sure I’m Forgetting: I dunno. I just feel like the above list isn’t complete.
Now, that sounds like a lot of stuff–especially given that most of them are due in a little over a month (less for the revisions). But I think I can do it. Maybe. Possibly.
How am I doing all this? Well, it’s time to compartmentalize. Mornings (pre-husband-waking-up) are for revisions and maybe #1. Evenings are for #s 2 & 3. As soon as one of 1, 2, & 3 are done, evenings will be for #6. #5 will get smushed in once 1, 2, 3, & 4 are done, most likely during the morning hours…or at work on my lunch break, as #1 has been.
I’m pretty sure I have it all handled–so far. We’ll see what else I can possibly get involved in for the coming months.
Oh wait! #7: Revising/reworking my A&S paper for the hood I embroidered for the Kingdom-level competition, as well as (maybe?) making and researching another item. Maybe. Due end of September.
So yeah. Full plate on my table. Multiple plates. I’ve got a seven-course dinner ahead of me, and though I’m not sure my stomach has room for it all, I think I can do it. Because I’m stubborn like that. (And because I want to build a reputation for my art in our Kingdom, and the best way is to keep doing the art.)
Book 2 will be done soon. I’m more than halfway through revisions, and I might add that to the evening schedule so I can finish on time, then put #2 on the docket for after work.
Busy busy busy…but I’ve got two half days this week, which will help immensely with #s 2 & 4, and a whole week off for my birthday, which will help with all the things.
Shit. My birthday week….when we start taping for Muses and Murderers. There’s a whole slew of things to add to my to-dos. Crap.
Guess I’d better get to it!