I’m still here. Still hanging on.
Sorry I haven’t posted in a while. Life has been life, and the juggling act is a struggle.
I’m trying to get more active on Twitter. I’m trying to get my work done at the office. I’m trying to get my friend’s Pelican embroidered in the next seven days. I’m trying to keep my head above water, basically, and I’m not sure I’m being entirely successful.
I’ll get the embroidery done. I’m making great progress, actually. But there are still two other projects waiting for me to finish them, and one is due a week after the Pelican.
The social media is another story. I am having a hard time balancing all the things, and it’s starting to show. Take this blog, for example: I literally forgot I had it. Just too much else going on. And when I zero in on one media outlet, the others suffer. I’m not on Facebook as often… same with Instagram. It’s all some crazy numbers game, and I’m losing.
Then there’s Abnormal. I don’t ask my publisher what my numbers are like because, frankly, I’m afraid to know. I try, but I’m an idiot when it comes to marketing and promotion, and I’m sure it shows in my sales numbers. I don’t know how to generate interest in a book that’s been out for eight months. Getting people excited about a new release is easier. It doesn’t help that some of my fellow Askew authors are doing exceptionally well in their sales. One was on Amazon’s bestseller list in her genre for over a month and has now been picked up by Barnes and Noble. Another’s book just went on pre-order a day or two ago and he’s already apparently halfway to his pre-order sales goal. I didn’t even know I had a pre-order sales goal when Abnormal came out. I didn’t know anything, and I feel like I’m still very much in the dark on a lot of things.
I’m not sure if it’s the state of my sales (or lack thereof) or if it’s merely my innate mental state. I’ve been trying to get my new mood stabilizer from the pharmacy, but they say they need a prior authorization from my doctor, and it’s been nearly two weeks. I need to call his office, but when?? I’m always working. I guess I’ll have to try to call him before patients start checking in today… Otherwise, I’ll never get it done. The medicine helped so much when I was on the sample dose, and I want to feel better. I don’t want to be anxious all the time, or depressed, or all over the place mood-wise. I want to be stable and functional. That would be nice.
I’ll survive. It’s what I do. But I don’t want to just survive. I want to be active, I want to be successful, I want to thrive.
Maybe if I can get that medicine filled it will be a start.