Well, the con is over. The end. Finit. And though I didn’t sell out of books, I did pretty well for a first-time con vending author.
The bookmarks were a bust, but I sold 2/3 of the books I brought. Out of the thirty five I brought, there are twelve left. Not too shabby.
I learned some things. I learned that maybe I should have just gone with the book and not tried making an add-on item to sell. I learned how to talk to potential customers in an engaging manner. And I leaned that when a person says they’ll come back to your table…. they’re not coming back. Lol
Waiting on a friend to meet me and my husband for dinner before we head home. It was a fun weekend overall, but I miss my bed and my kitties. Rory and River will be glad to see us.
Will I do another con in the future? Maybe. If I take what I learned from this con, maybe I can rock the next one.
Maybe next year I can have both Abnormal and the sequel at the table. Sell two books at once.