I haven’t been able to post about it until now, but I was given the amazing opportunity to embroider a scroll for an award that my husband received yesterday from our King and Queen.
It was the first scroll I’d embroidered. It was a couple of firsts, actually: first lettering and first freehand shading (without a reference picture to go by). I have to say, the results are pretty stunning. Observe my process:
I traced everything in the above image–down to dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s–onto some tear-away stabilizer.
I started out with the lettering. Never having done lettering before, I didn’t know the “best” way to do it, so teeny tiny satin stitches it was.
It was such an honor to be asked to make this when I hadn’t done anything like it before, and it was such a pleasure to make a scroll for my husband for an award that was so well-deserved. It was especially great to have this opportunity because he loves non-traditional scrolls. He loves to see scrolls that aren’t just paper and paint and ink. Not that he doesn’t appreciate traditional scrolls–he just is fascinated with the many varied ways a scroll can be presented.