Off-the-rails but still on track

As a creative type with bipolar disorder, I’m intimately familiar with the fluctuations in creative drive and inspiration. After spending months on hold with all things creative as my last book, Fed by the Fae, mocked me with its stalled state, I broke through my block and powered through to The End, and now I’m almost a quarter of the way through the next book, Dealing with Demons. If I can write a little over 1500 words a day through the end of the month (which really isn’t all that much), I’ll be on track to finish Dealing‘s first draft and move on to the draft of the fourth in the Abnormal series.


Now I’m back on an embroidery/garb kick. I want to make new Viking garb for myself and my husband, and I have a few things I want to embroider as well.

Oh, crap. Here comes the ADHD/bipolar whirlwind of flitting between different pinpoints of focus.

I really want to finish Dealing on time. I am determined to get these three books out by the end of the year, and with Pact with the Pack releasing a week from tomorrow and Fed by the Fae in temporary time out before primary edits and revisions, I’m on track to meet that goal.

But–but–but–there’s also a cup cover I’m planning to embroider and make for a friend. And a commission for another friend’s elevation. And I have been meaning to make another apron dress and underdress using some really nice fabric I have. And…

Damnit. Focus, AJ, focus!

I haven’t written anything yet today, but it’s still early. I have time to get my 1500+ words in, and since it’s a holiday that has my office closed, I have all day in which to write them. Hell, I might even pass 1500 and just write until I’m at a good stopping point. Or I might take a nap. Who knows?

I’ve also got a last-minute webcast to record. (It had previously been scheduled to record a couple weeks ago, but life happened. Long story.) I enjoy the webcasts, but it’s getting harder to fit them into my schedule. The ol’ day job still has me by the non-balls, after all, and that won’t change any time soon.

Well, I guess if I’m going to stay on track with anything, I need to stop blogging and get doing.