So remember the charity anthology I have been writing for since … well, over a year? Probably not. Anywho, the whole thing is about bullying and the consequences it can have. The organizer of the charity suggested to me that we have some pieces in the anthology that had a bit of humor to them, since most–okay, practically all–of the pieces are quite dark.
Where did my deep, poetic author’s mind go to?
Potty humor. I went straight for the poop joke.
What can I say? I’m a product of my surroundings. Today’s society, at least the ‘Murican society, is full of fart jokes and general lavatory-related levity.
I don’t know if the other authors collaborating on the anthology will like my story; maybe they’ll think it’s too gross or crude. If they do, guess who’s posting the story right here on this blog? That’s right. Win-win. 😉