Work of Art Wednesday

I haven’t done this in a long time, but I’ve gotten some new artwork drawn and I’d like to share some of it.


I really like the forms on this one. It’s for an RPG book called “Quantum Collapse,” to be put out by D3 Adventures. I’ll be posting the art I did for them on DeviantArt here soon…well, eventually. Some of them might even be available as prints! 🙂

Just breathe


Work week is done, and I have three and a half days off until it’s back to the grind. Yesterday afternoon and this morning weren’t too bad, so I feel more relaxed already. I know come Monday it will be almost back to “normal” (translation: hectic as all get-out), but I’ve been looking forward to this unwinding weekend.

Not that I don’t have stuff to do. Interviews/reviews for Talk Nerdy With Us, cosplay stuff, art project…It’s not going to be a completely work-free weekend, but it’s still a relief.

I have to finish the pants on my husband’s cosplay (and hopefully start on the tunic), write interview questions, read a comic or two, and draw like my life depended on it. Still, it all sounds pretty relaxing compared to the day job.

Sometimes you gotta take some time to yourself just to get away from the norm and recharge. I love my jobs–all of them–but the constant pace gets to me every so often.

Merry Christmas Eve, everyone!


I am embarrassingly behind on my critiques for the Facebook group I’m in. These critiques have helped my writing tremendously. It’s amazing what reading snippets of different writers’ styles will do to help develop your own style.

I used to be able to knock out three or four critiques in a couple of days, but lately it’s taking me longer and longer. I think I’m so bogged down with other writing, cosplay, and art projects that I have trouble focusing.

The Whispers of Death novel is very near to being ready for submission to agents and publishers. It makes me nervous to even think of sending it out. Though I don’t think I’ll be particularly crushed if I get rejections (and I really think I have something worthy of traditional publication), the idea of actually doing this, of getting the process started and making it real is a bit daunting.

The cosplay is coming along nicely. The skirt is started, and self-drafting is tough, but I think I’ll get it figured out. I have a friend who can help me, and I think once I get the corset finished and can see how much belly bulge it sucks in (if any lol), I’ll better be able to finish it to a better fit.

Unfortunately, the art project is stalled worse than the critiques. I’m trying, but I’m artistically “stuck.” I’ve got drawer’s block. I’m thinking of moving on from the latest drawing I’ve started (which is frustrating the hell out of me) and moving on to other characters in order to have more to send in to my client. I think that once I’ve finished with the novel prep I’ll be in a better frame of mind to draw more.

Oh yeah, and I have NaNoWriMo next month. It’s coming up fast, so I need to prep that as well.

Why do I do this to myself? Lol

Work of Art Wednesday

Yes, I forgot about Work of Art Wednesday. My bad. I’ve been so focused on writing and cosplay that it completely slipped my  mind.

Here is another one of my pieces that is available for sale:


Sorry for the bad photo, but it’s an 11″x14″ and my scanner isn’t that big. If you are interested, comment here or message me on whichever social media site you see this on. 🙂

Tomorrow: Probably more writing and/or cosplay-related stuff. Because I am a woman obsessed.


Well, yesterday’s post was a flop. 🙁

I’m still new to blogging and trying to engage my readers, but even with this blog simultaneously posting to three social media sites in addition to WordPress no one suggested anything they’d like to see me try to draw.

Never fear, though, for I am stubborn. Once again, I ask for those who see this post to please give me suggestions for something you’d like to see me draw.

It’s pretty much open season as far as subject matter goes. I can’t give any guarantees on how well it will turn out, but I will do my best. The only caveat is that I don’t want anyone asking me to draw nudes or any subject matter that’s inappropriate for posting on social media. After all, how else am I going to show what I can do?

#drawing #begandplead #needinspiration