Just two more days until Pact with the Pack is live!!
Okay, so maybe less than that for the paperback, depending on how fast or slow Amazon is with publishing it. LOL I realized that tomorrow was just going to be too crazy with work to spend the proper time formatting, so I went ahead and formatted/submitted the paperback version today. Not that people who buy the paperback will get to read it any sooner, but…..eh.
I’ve heard from a couple of ARC readers already, and so far, reviews are good. One author even went so far as to say that I made her feel like an amateur! I’m still kind of blown away by that one, but hey, take the compliment, right?

I can’t wait for the paperback to be approved, so I can order my author copies, some copies to sign, and some for giveaways/etc.
I don’t know why, but the excitement is real no matter how many books/novellas I put out. It’s like, I wrote this. This story came from inside me, and there are people out there who want to read it.
Blows me away every time.
I’ve got some final little things to get ready for the big release day “party” on Tuesday. I’m having a great group of authors do some hour-long takeover blocks in my Facebook group, Mullican’s Maniacs, and the lineup is pretty sweet. Check this list:

Some may be familiar names, some may be new to you, but they’re all great people, and that’s what matters. I’m super excited to see what they have in store! I’ll go head off to get my own posts ready…see y’all there!